Results for life

Client Results & Testimonials

“Caitlin is intuitive, energetic, and creates a highly custom strategy to help you achieve your goals. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, Caitlin makes it feel both exciting and attainable to get to where you need to be. Caitlin has gone above and beyond for our team and impacted not just people’s mental and physical health, but the morale in the company by supporting their overall wellbeing. An incredible asset to get your fitness and wellness game in check! I highly recommend!”

— Kelly Roach, CEO of Kelly Roach Coaching, Best-Selling Author, and Creator of Live Launch Method

“Loved my coaching experience with Caitlin! Sometimes you just need someone to walk (or run) beside you to reach that next level. Caitlin takes the time to understand what I need to keep me motivated and working towards by goals. She doesn’t plan a “one size fits all” program. Everything is specially customized for each individual. Her all levels workout programs make it easy to stay active, whether at home or the gym. When it’s time for the hard conversations, she’s there to guide me with her genuine nature and  positive mindset. I can’t say enough good things about her. She’s an amazing coach!”

— Kristin S., 1:1 coaching client

“When I sought out Caitlin, I simply wanted to lose weight. What she gave me was so much more than that. Not only did she help me with tools, but she changed my perspective and relationship with my body, and food! I have stopped viewing my body as a problem to fix, and started to appreciate everything my body has done, and can do. I’m enjoying more freedom, hope, and peace surrounding my weight, body and food. Healthier mind, body, and spirit!”

— Debra M., 1:1 coaching client

“Your workouts are killer! I’ve lost 2 inches off my waist just by following your ab challenge! As a mama, I fit your workouts in where I can, and the accessibility of your programs are the perfect fit. Each workout, whether they are 5 mins, 30 mins, with or without weight are equally challenging. Thank you for all of your motivation and sharing your talents. Many blessings to you, Cait!”

— Julie N., lifestyle fitness client

“Ever since becoming a mom 8 years ago, I have struggled with weight and depression. Feelings of hopelessness that I’d never “bounce back” physically were abundant. I tried it ALL: shakes, fasting, cutting out food groups like fat or carbs entirely, cleanses, supplements, fad diets, and working out to such an extreme that I knew entering into the program I’d never be able to sustain that pace. Most of these practices also went against my core feeling that I wanted to fuel my body with whole foods that were nutrient dense, and minimally processed. It all felt wrong.

Then, enter Quarantine and the entire year of 2020. I was at my highest (non-pregnant) weight ever, stressed to the max with 3 kids stuck in the house (who wasn’t stressed?) even my “stretchy clothes” were tight, and my self confidence was in the toilet. I was surviving off of coffee, carbs, and fats.

During that time, and even long before, I had been following Caitlin’s Instagram account and felt… SEEN. Every one of her food and recipe tips were based around whole, nutrient dense foods, and making quick and easy work of prepping those foods. With workouts ranging in the 20-40 minute range, I knew that was sustainable. I can scroll on Insta for 60 minutes…. I can definitely spare 20 for a workout. Life is busy and most of us don’t have 2 hours to spend in the gym…. And we don’t HAVE TO. She seemed to lean in the direction of “work smarter, not harder” and that was exactly what would fit into my life.

There are hundreds of other fitness and wellness coaches I could have worked with to reach my goals, but Caitlin is trustworthy: you are in a safe space with her. Never did I ever feel judged for my choices, behaviors, habits, etc. She works HARD for her clients: she studies your eating habits, offers trainings on so many topics, provides office hours for check ins and questions and gives such valuable feedback.

Probably my favorite thing, and the reason why my wellness efforts will continue on whereas I always threw in the towel in the past, is that she met me where I was at. Hopping straight into 4 workouts a week, weighing and measuring foods, and counting calories and macronutrients was not going to fly since I had not been doing any single one of those things previously. It would have set me up for failure. Instead, we started making small changes gradually: 2 workouts per week gradually got bumped up to 4. We reviewed my calorie goals on countless occasions and really tweaked how I was fueling my body and identified areas of weakness that were hindering my progress. We looked at hydration, protein goals, recipes and meal plans, cravings, the list goes on an on. Nothing was a “problem,” it was an opportunity to learn and grow. The “progress, not perfection” mantra felt like the cornerstone of my training.

In 3 months I have lost 15 lbs. That’s a steady 1 pound per week. I haven’t ever consistently lost weight like that in my life. I might have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks previously, but I put them right back on immediately because my behaviors to lose that weight were not sustainable. Along with weight loss, I have increased energy, overall feel WAY less stressed, more confidence, and feel that my wellness: mind, body, and spirit, have never been in a better place!

— Nicole R., 1:1 coaching client