
About Caitlin Mundy

Personal trainer. Wife. Mom.

I’m a NASM-certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist with over 10 years of experience helping women get the body of their dreams through fitness and nutrition. As a wife and mom of three, I understand that cookie cutter fitness programs and spending hours in the gym are not sustainable habits. That’s why I dedicated my life to creating a sustainable fitness and coaching program designed specifically for busy parents and CEOs.

Stuck in the lose 10, gain 20 cycle? I was too.

I wasn’t always a fitness expert. I spent most of my late teens and early twenties as an overweight athlete with poor eating habits and a difficult relationship with food.

After spending time with a certified personal trainer, I began to finally understand what long-term sustainability looked like and apply the practices to my own life. I fell in love with the empowering feeling fitness gave me, and I’m excited to share this feeling with my clients.

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If you’re ready to end the yo yo dieting cycle, then let’s do it.

To contact Caitlin, sign up for a time that works for you using the button below.

Don’t skip the questionnaire! This helps Caitlin determine the absolute best approach for your desired outcome