Let today be your last Day One.

Become fit for life using my simple coaching method, highly tailored to your unique lifestyle, goals, and needs.

I’m Caitlin. I’m a NASM-certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist with over 12 years of industry experience.

I’ve helped hundreds of women get the body of their dreams through fitness and nutrition. How? By ending the yo-yo dieting cycle and rejecting cookie cutter fitness programs.

  • personal training video library

    Train how you want, when you want

    With the 100% virtual training program, you can make your fitness fit your schedule. Caitlin’s Lifestyle Fitness program makes fitting health and fitness into your lifestyle easy.

  • custom fitness program

    Reject cookie cutter programs

    Fitness influencers often offer cookie cutter programs with short-term results. In this program, Caitlin will give you the tools to create a sustainable, long-term fitness lifestyle.

  • end diet culture

    Break free from diet culture

    Caitlin’s program isn’t a diet. It’s a long-term, sustainable lifestyle. Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger, or simply feel good in your own skin, you deserve to take this first step.

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“I became obsessed with helping women finally break free of the restrictions and rules created by diet culture.”

-Caitlin Mundy

About Caitlin

While Caitlin Mundy is now a certified personal trainer and veteran of the fitness industry, she wasn’t always an expert. Before falling in love with fitness, she was an overweight athlete with poor eating habits and a difficult relationship with food.

Now, she wants to help people get fit for life through her custom coaching and fitness programs.

What People Are Saying


“Loved my coaching experience with Caitlin! Sometimes you just need someone to walk (or run) beside you to reach that next level. Caitlin takes the time to understand what I need to keep me motivated and working towards by goals.”

— Kristin S., 1:1 coaching client

“Not only did she help me with tools, but she changed my perspective and relationship with my body, and food! I have stopped viewing my body as a problem to fix, and started to appreciate everything my body has done, and can do.”

— Debra M., 1:1 coaching client

“Caitlin is intuitive, energetic and creates a highly custom strategy to help you achieve your goals. No matter where you are in your fitness journey Caitlin makes it feel both exciting and attainable to get where you want to be. Caitlin has gone above and beyond for our team and impacted not just people’s mental and physical health but the moral in the company by supporting their overall well being. An incredible asset to get your fitness and wellness game in check. I highly recommend.

—Kelly Roach, 1:1 coaching client and CEO Kelly Roach Coaching, author and creator of the Live Launch Method

“Your workouts are killer! I lost 2 inches off my waist just by following your ab challenge. As a mama, I fit your workouts in where I can, and the accessibility of your programs is the perfect fit. Thank you for all of your motivation and sharing your talents.”

— Julie N., Lifestyle fitness client

Let today be your last Day One.

Even if you’ve had a million Day 1’s in the past, why not let today be different? Schedule time to talk with Caitlin about your goals, lifestyle, and challenges.